Conservatory of Music

Hitting all the right notes

The Millsaps Conservatory of Music (MCM), in conjunction with Millsaps College and the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, offers the highest quality music education to aspiring musicians of all ages, regardless of skill level or economic background. It places students in a creative environment that inspires musical excellence and fosters discovery of their unique expressive voice.

Register for MCM

View MCM registration information, deadlines and registration link.


Individual, In-Person Instruction

Individual lessons are offered on campus for 28 weeks from August through May. Classes include composition, piano, violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, saxophone, guitar, voice and percussion.


Class and Group Instruction

Group classes are available for 20 weeks from September through May. Classes include chamber music ensembles, string ensembles, piano and string ensembles, piano ensembles and theory/musicianship classes.


Chamber Music Camp

This week-long summer camp for young artists was created to promote and encourage the development of string, piano and chamber music performance. Camp is for rising 7th through 12th graders


Facilities & Faculty

Private lessons and classes take place on the Millsaps College campus, in the Gertrude C. Ford Academic Complex building. Classes are taught by Millsaps music faculty and leading area musicians.


Admission & Tuition

View admission requirements and tuition for both individual and group classes.



Check out our courses of study and calendars for both our fall and spring semester classes.


Attendance & Withdrawl Policy

Read more about our class attendance and withdrawal policies.


Contact Us

Have questions? Need directions? Please reach out to us. We look forward to speaking with you.


The Millsaps Conservatory of Music, in conjunction with Millsaps College and the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, offers the highest quality music education to aspiring musicians of all ages, regardless of skill level or economic background. It places students in a creative environment that inspires musical excellence and fosters discovery of their unique expressive voice.

Our primary and future goals are to:

  • Provide community engagement between Millsaps Conservatory of Music, Millsaps College, the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, the Mississippi Youth Symphony Orchestra and the greater Jackson metropolitan area.
  • Serve all who would like to study and understand the art of music.
  • Develop a wide variety of educational programs for students of all ages and levels of study.
  • Offer the highest quality of music instruction available in the greater Jackson metropolitan area. Millsaps College student instructors are occasionally available for beginner-level lessons.

Register for the Millsaps Conservatory of Music

Millsaps Conservatory of Music offers private and group musical instruction for students of all ages, kindergarten through high school and beyond. To register for studies at Millsaps Conservatory of Music, please see the registration information below. At the time of registration, you will have the option to either mail in a check or pay via credit/debit card online. Payment is due by the end of the first week of lessons to ensure your place for the semester.

If you would like to discontinue your private studies or ensemble studies at Millsaps Conservatory of Music, you will need to let us know before September 9, 2024, to receive a partial refund for the fall semester, and February 10, 2024, to receive a partial refund for the spring semester.

Registration deadline for current and new students for the 14-week semester of private instrumental or vocal studies is September 2, 2024, in the fall, and February 3, 2025, in the spring.

Step 1

Fill out the online registration form completely. See Step 2 for payment options.

If you have questions regarding lessons or classes, please contact Rachel Heard before sending in registration form and payment, especially if using the online form of payment. Find further information about tuition below.

Step 2

After submitting the registration form, please submit tuition payment, via one of two options:

  1. Payment of full tuition amount by check* (make check payable to Millsaps College), sent to Millsaps Conservatory of Music, c/o Rachel Heard, Millsaps College, 1701 N. State St., Jackson, MS, 39210.
  2. Payment via credit card online on the registration form.

Step 3

After receiving the registration form and tuition payment, MCM will contact each student with information regarding registration and teacher placement. At this time, students will also receive teacher contact information for all classes or private lessons. Private lesson times will be arranged between students and teachers.

* If you have any questions about tuition payment and the possibility of making monthly payments, please contact Dr. Rachel Heard.

Individual, In-person Instruction

Private instruction is available for most all instruments and voice. Theory and musicianship classes are also available. Please consult the course calendar each semester for class offerings and availability.

Private Lessons Schedule for the Academic Calendar Year 2023-2024 will include the following:

Composition, Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Guitar, Voice and Percussion. The calendar includes a 28-week lesson schedule from August through May.

Student recital opportunities are offered throughout the year. Teachers will encourage their students to participate in these recitals for goal setting and in preparation for other festivals organized by local and state music teacher organizations. All students are encouraged to participate in local and state performance evaluations, and other group activities organized by the Millsaps Conservatory.

Student performance evaluations may be scheduled at the end of the spring semester.

Summer private lessons — Please consult with your teacher for availability. Students might like to try out a new instrument during the summer, or to receive extra lessons or training in preparation for the coming year. Payment is based on per-lesson fee.

Parents may request to observe their child’s lesson at any time during the semester. Please consult with your instructor before attending a lesson. Lesson observation allows for parents to discuss the progress and share future plans for their child’s course of study.

Additional Information

  • Parents and students will work with individual instructors to schedule weekly lessons.
  • Studio space. Lessons will be taught in the Music Department on the campus of Millsaps College in the Academic Complex building.
  • Waiting Room. Millsaps Conservatory of Music students and family members may use the Music Department Student Lounge located on the second floor of the Academic Complex as a waiting room area. However, please be aware that many college students use this space to study. We ask that all conservatory students and family members to respect the space if the college students ask for quiet.
  • One parent or family member is allowed to attend lessons for pedagogical reasons when younger students are involved.
  • Health Screening List: Music teachers should instruct students not to come to the music studio lesson if they have flu-like symptoms, gastrointestinal upset or a cold. Please respect the fact that music instruction takes place in a small space. When a student is ill, teachers will allow parents to reschedule their lessons.

Group Class Instruction

Class and group instruction schedule for the Academic Calendar Year 2024–2025 will include the following:

  • Chamber Music Ensembles
  • String Ensembles
  • Piano and String Ensembles
  • Piano Ensembles
  • Theory/Musicianship Classes

Calendar includes a 20-week class schedule from September through May. Students may enroll for one semester at a time. A list of current theory classes to be offered for the 2024-2025 school year is forthcoming. Ensembles will be formed based on enrollment.

Chamber Music Camp

The Millsaps College Summer Chamber Music Camp is a week-long camp for young artists, created to promote and encourage the development of string and piano chamber music performance. Seventh through 12th grader students will have the opportunity to work with Millsaps faculty, performing artists and members of the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, in a supportive atmosphere of collaborative music-making. The daily schedule includes ensemble coaching, classes, rehearsals, master classes and noonday performances by the artist faculty.

Chamber Music Coaching Sessions

Prior to camp, each student will be placed in two ensembles, according to their level of performance and study. Students will be sent their ensemble music for study and preparation with their private teachers. During the camp, the faculty will work on this special material with each ensemble and in master classes. Ensembles will also be given time to rehearse on their own and as a group during the week.

Facilities & Faculty

Class and Group Instruction Schedule for the Academic Calendar Year 2023–2024 will include the following:

  • Chamber Music Ensembles
  • String Ensembles
  • Piano and String Ensembles
  • Piano Ensembles
  • Theory/Musicianship Classes

Calendar includes a 20-week class schedule from September through May. Students may enroll for one semester at a time. A list of current theory classes to be offered for the 2023-2024 school year is forthcoming. Ensembles will be formed based on enrollment.

2024-25 Faculty

Cheryl Coker, voice
BMEd, MM, University of Southern Mississippi; DMA, University of Minnesota
601-974-1425 | Email: [email protected]

Alex Encinas, viola & violin
BM, Gnessin-Institut Moscow; MM, University of Southern Mississippi
601-974-1422| Email: [email protected]

Gayle Entrekin, flute
BM, MM; Rice University; additional studies with Geoffrey Gilbert, DeLand, Fla.
601-974-1422 | Email: [email protected]

Taylis Fernandez, cello & bass
Conservatory Studies, Escuela Nacional de Arte (Havana, Cuba); Undergraduate Studies, Oklahoma State University; BM, MM, University of Southern Mississippi 601-974-1422 | Email: [email protected]

Rachel Heard, piano
BM, The Juilliard School; MM, The Juilliard School; DMA, Rutgers University
601-974-1420 | Email: [email protected]

Jason Mathena, marimba and percussion
BME, Auburn University; MM, University of Louisiana–Lafayette; DMA, University of Southern Mississippi
601-974-1422 | Email: [email protected]

Angela Powell, piano
BA, Millsaps College; MM, University of Southern Mississippi
601-974-1422 | Email: [email protected]

Lynn Raley, piano
BM, Southern Methodist University; MM, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music; DMA, Rutgers University
601-974-1423 | Email: [email protected]

Donna Reed, piano
BM, Belhaven University; MM, Mississippi College
601-974-1422 | Email: [email protected]

Kazuaki Shiota, theory/composition/technology
BM, University of North Texas; MM, DMA – University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music

Cecelia Stearman, voice
BM, MM – Mississippi College
Email: [email protected]

James Turner, guitar
BM, MM, University of Southern Mississippi
601-974-1422 | Email: [email protected]

* Student teacher faculty list available upon request

Admission & Tuition

Admission Requirements

Student performers must have at least 2 years of experience in private lessons, or instrumentalists must have at least 3 years of experience in orchestra.


For Private Lessons, Musicianship Classes and Chamber Ensembles
As part of the registration process, the tuition fee for private lessons can be paid in full at the beginning of each semester in August and January, in one of two ways:

  1. By check
  2. Online with a credit or debit card

Checks should be made out to Millsaps College and sent to:
Millsaps Conservatory of Music, c/o Rachel Heard,
Millsaps College, 1701 North State St,  Jackson, MS 39210.

Please see the withdrawal policy below.

Fall and Spring Semester 2024–2025*

Semester Tuition
(14 lessons)
Master Teacher
Semester Tuition
(10 lessons)
Student Teacher**
30-Minute $645 $310
45-Minute $790 $385
60-Minute $935

Semester Tuition for Musicianship Classes and Chamber Ensembles
Classes and Ensemble tuition must be paid in full at the beginning of the semester.

Fall and Spring Semester
Per Semester
Musicianship Class (10 weeks) $210
Small Group Ensembles (10 weeks) $260

Lessons missed by the student are made up at the discretion of the instructor. Please see Attendance Policies and Withdrawal Policy for Classes or Lessons for details.

* If you have any questions about tuition payment and the possibility of making monthly payments, please contact Dr. Rachel Heard.

** Student teachers are available for piano only. Before registering for a student teacher, please contact Dr. Rachel Heard for more information.


2024 – 2025

August 1-31 Pre-Registration: All applicants should use the online registration form
August 12 Fall semester lessons begin
September 28 MCM Student Recital, 3:00 p.m., AC Recital Hall
November 16 MCM Student Recital, 3:00 p.m., AC Recital Hall
November 23 Music Forum of Jackson, Sonatina-Sonata Festival – Millsaps College
November 25-29 Thanksgiving Break
December 6 First semester ends
December 7 – January 12 Christmas Holiday

2024 – 2025

January 13 Spring semester begins
February 1 All-Baroque Recital, 3:00 p.m., AC Recital Hall
March 8-15 Spring break
March 29 Student Recital, 3:00 p.m., AC Recital Hall
April 18-20 Easter Weekend—No classes scheduled
May 3 Spring Recital, 3:00 p.m., AC Recital Hall
May 9 Second semester ends

Attendance & Withdrawal Policies

Attendance Policies

  • Students are expected to regularly attend all lessons, classes and ensemble rehearsals, and must notify the teacher 24 hours in advance of any absences. Since the teacher has reserved a weekly lesson or class time for each student, the teacher is not required to make up a lesson missed by the student due to illness, vacation, schedule conflict, etc. If a teacher has time available during their regular teaching hours, a courtesy make-up lesson may be offered, but only at the discretion of the teacher.
  • If a teacher cancels a lesson/class or if MCM closes for any reason, a make-up lesson/class will be offered. In addition, a credit is not available for make-up lessons or classes that are agreed upon and then missed by the student.
  • When illness is involved, please be responsible. Students should not attend lessons, classes or rehearsals if they are ill and/or contagious. If a teacher determines that the student is too ill to have a lesson, they have the right to send the student home.
  • Exceptions to these policies will certainly be considered in the rare case of serious illness or other emergency situations and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Withdrawal Policy for Classes or Lessons

Students and parents who register for lessons or classes at the Millsaps Conservatory of Music must commit to continuing their studies for the full semester.

Withdrawal by the student from lessons or a class can only be made before the conclusion of the fourth week of classes each semester to receive a partial refund (fall semester — Monday, September 9, 2024; spring semester — Monday, February 10, 2025). Students will be responsible for paying for the number of lessons received up until (and including) the fourth week of the semester. After the fourth week of classes, students will be responsible for the entire semester of tuition. If you would like to discontinue your class or ensemble studies at Millsaps Conservatory of Music, you will need to let us know before September 9, 2024, to receive a partial refund for the fall semester, and February 10, 2025, to receive a partial refund for the spring semester.

Millsaps Conservatory of Music will discontinue lessons under the following circumstances:

  1. Nonpayment, or late/insufficient funds payment of tuition.
  2. More than 4 lessons missed without a valid excuse.

Contact Us

Rachel Heard

Phone: 601-974-1420

Email: [email protected]

Classes are held in the Gertrude C. Ford Academic Complex building