Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You’ve got questions.
We’ve got answers.

Have questions? Look no further. Our frequently asked questions (FAQs) make it easy for you to find answers to your most pressing inquiries. If you can’t find your answer here, please feel free to contact us or use our site search to find the information you need.

Questions About Millsaps

What is a “liberal arts” education?

Students must understand the world before they can help change it. It’s not just
knowing the answers to questions, it’s knowing what questions to ask. Having the tools to think critically, reason analytically and write clearly are at the foundation of a liberal arts education. Equipped with these proficiencies, students can unravel
complex issues and spur innovation, no matter the challenge.

At Millsaps, we provide opportunities to nurture these traits. If you place high value on social justice, freedom of thought and reflecting on life’s questions, then
Millsaps is the place for you. We not only prepare you for a successful career —
we help you discover who you want to be.

We attract students who are creative thinkers, solution finders and future
changemakers. At Millsaps, we place high value on social justice, freedom of
thought and reflecting on life’s questions. Our students belong to a community of dedicated staff, professors and alumni who seek to challenge perspectives,
create beauty in the world and support each other in both career and life.

Why Millsaps?

We set students up for professional success and lives of meaning and purpose. Students learn by doing, putting their education to work through outstanding research, internship and other experiential opportunities. Millsaps changes lives; our students change the world.

It begins with our foundational Compass Curriculum that develops core skill sets and continues with our Pathways program that encourages a four-year exploration of academic interests, professional curiosity and experiences.

Millsaps students acquire skills throughout their academic careers to solve real-world problems and issues.

You will learn from the best. In fact, 95% of Millsaps faculty hold the highest degree in their fields. All classes are taught by faculty, NOT graduate assistants. Our faculty have helped produce seven Rhodes Scholars, 28 Fulbright Fellows, six Goldwater Scholars and two Truman Scholars. Are you next?

What is it like living in Jackson, Mississippi?

Jackson is a nexus for talented people who want to work together, whether they are looking for the next big thing or for an opportunity to contribute. The metro area has a population of 539,000 people. With over 35,000 college students, Jackson is a great community for young people who are eager to be involved. Socially networked, dynamic and affordable, Jackson is a city on the move — a place of opportunity that’s always getting better.

Getting here is easy. Jackson is served by five major airlines and is just down the road from Birmingham, Memphis and New Orleans. For Millsaps students — who inevitably fall in love with the place — it’s leaving that’s hard.

Getting Started

How do I schedule a visit?

Ready to get to know us better? Want to know what it’s like to be a Major? We offer experiences to meet your needs, whether you want to take a tour on campus or virtually, attend an information session to address your questions, or hear about the experiences of our students and faculty.

You can also sign up to attend one of our special visit events designed just for prospective students and their families. Come see us!

How do I apply?

Start something Major! Are you looking for Major opportunities? Want to make a Major impact in the world? Then Millsaps is the place for you. Apply now to Become Something Major.

Applying is easy, fast and free. Just select the appropriate link to get started. We can’t wait to learn more about you! Apply now.

How do I make a deposit?

It’s easy. Just use our online enrollment option. It’s now easier than ever to take that final step toward becoming part of the Millsaps community. Log in to Major Portal (using the login credentials provided via email) and submit your $500 nonrefundable enrollment deposit.

Your deposit holds your place in the class. Admission to Millsaps is contingent upon successful completion of the current semester and submission of your official final transcript.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

What kind of financial aid does Millsaps offer?

You are encouraged to apply for financial aid regardless of your family’s income level. Many factors affect eligibility, such as household income, household size and poverty level. Your offer could be made up of a combination of different types of aid, including grants, scholarships and federal work-study funds. 

Even if you don’t believe you are eligible, take the time to apply for financial assistance. You might be surprised to find out assistance is available. Learn more about financial aid.

What aid is available to military service members?

Thank you for your service to our nation! Millsaps is thankful for the opportunity to support active-duty military, veterans, reservists, National Guard members, ROTC cadets and the spouses and children of our military. Millsaps is dedicated to connecting you with the right financial aid and resources. Find out more about the support available.

Areas of Study

What if I don't know what I want to study?

What do you love to do? What do you excel at? What excites you? What’s your dream job? Our program finder helps you explore majors based on your interests.

What majors and minors are offered at Millsaps?

Pursue your passion. Intellectual pursuits require individual initiative and the development of essential skills. A Millsaps College education is designed to encourage critical thinking, reasoned and clear expression, and creative problem solving. Whatever your passion, we pursue these ideals across all disciplines. Explore our areas of study.

Campus Life

I will be a new student. What do I need to know?

Congrats and welcome to Millsaps! Whether you’re a first-year student or a transfer, we’ve put together some resources to assist you. We’ve pulled together helpful information to support you from the moment you finalize your college decision until the first day of classes.

Visit our New Students Start Here page for information about housing, advising, registration, new student orientation and more.

Where can I find more information on housing and activities on campus?

College is about more than academics. It’s about finding yourself and creating lasting connections. At Millsaps, you find a vibrant, tight-knit community. Whether it’s meeting friends for lunch between classes, celebrating Holi alongside our South Asian students or participating in a game of kickball, Millsaps students play as hard as they study. Discover all Millsaps has to offer.


What dining options are available?

With meal plans and three dining options, eating on campus is as convenient as it is tasty. From coffee to pizza and from steak to vegan options, we have something that will hit the spot.

Where can I find what's on the menu each day?

College can be demanding, so your meal plan should be effortless and on your schedule. Your appetite will meet its match at our dining locations, which serve only the best in variety and value. Check out the menu.

Contact Information

Where can I find contact information?

Find our main number, address and directions to the school, and view the Millsaps directory. View our contact information here.


How long may I check out items?


  • Loan Period: 30 days plus a 1-week grace period
  • 25-book maximum


  • Loan Period: 90 days
  • 50-book maximum


  • Loan Period: 30 days
  • 25-book maximum

What are the fines if I turn an item in late?

The library eliminated fines for late items in fall 2019. When an item is very overdue, a replacement fee is assessed instead of a fine. We encourage library users to return items on time to avoid replacement fees. Returning items on time helps all library users have access to important resources they need.

Notices are sent via email.

Late interlibrary loan items are $1.00 per day, per book. It is important to return interlibrary loan items before the due date because these items belong to other libraries.

How do I renew my items?

Books may be renewed two times unless requested by another user.

Renew your library items by visiting this link:

Interlibrary Loan books may be renewed by emailing [email protected].

Please request ILL renewables before the due date.

Who may use the Millsaps-Wilson Library?

The Millsaps-Wilson Library is maintained by and for constituents of the College. In order to use the resources of the library, one must carry a valid Millsaps ID card or a special library borrowing card. Current students, faculty and staff are the primary users of the library. Special provisions are made for alumni, Methodist ministers of the Mississippi Conference and emeritus faculty. Courtesy Cards are available to individuals over 18 years of age for a fee. The library also honors InfoPass referrals from other local libraries, and scholars from distant institutions may use the library for limited periods if they bring a letter of referral from their academic librarian on letterhead stationary.

Users of the Methodist and College Archives should make an appointment to gain access.

The library serves the general public through Interlibrary Lending arrangements with public and academic libraries.

Questions or comments regarding access policy should be addressed to the college librarian, Wyatt Winnie.

May I use a cell phone in the library?

You may use your cell phone as long as you don’t disturb others.

Please turn cell phone ringers off or set to vibrate as you enter the library.

If you have an emergency, cell phones may be used, with discretion, in the main staircase landing in the east side of the building.

Do not make or take calls in the common study areas.

Do not make or take calls in the computer lab areas.

Library Location

The Millsaps-Wilson Library is located near the Millsaps Bell Tower on the east end of the campus, between the Academic Complex building and the sorority houses.

On the Campus Map, it is building number 23.

Driving Directions

From I-55:

Take Woodrow Wilson Exit #98A to second light. Turn left on North State Street. Go up the hill and past the first light to circular drive; turn right to enter campus. Park in the circular driveway. The Library is on the left side of the circular driveway when facing the clock tower.

Millsaps-Wilson Library Mission Statement

Adopted November 1980 – Revised May 23, 2000

The Millsaps-Wilson Library is dedicated to the educational program of Millsaps College as described in the Millsaps Purpose. The library is charged with the responsibility of helping to implement the aims of the institution by motivating student and faculty interest in the library for research, information, study and general intellectual development through its resources. To this end, the library must acquire and make available to students and faculty a comprehensive and useful range of core and research resources that are needed for learning in a liberal arts environment that includes limited professional and pre-professional training. This responsibility implies the inherent charge to motivate students to explore independent intellectual pursuits. While emphasis is placed on the library as a learning resource center for the campus, it is open to the local community and other institutions through interlibrary lending and cooperative efforts. The library is administered as an integral part of the academic program and every effort is made to coordinate its activities with the instructional areas of the college.

Overall concern for and nourishment of a healthy library is a responsibility shared by the faculty and the other campus constituencies; however, immediate responsibility for the direction of the library and its coordination with other college programs rests with a staff of professional librarians, support personnel and student assistants whose functions range from the managerial and curatorial to the promotional and instructional.

Collections and Resources
The materials collection of the library is a continuing joint responsibility of the library staff and the faculty. The objective of the collection is directly to support specific requirements of the curriculum, to provide suitable interdisciplinary materials in a wide variety of formats and through various print and electronic services for the general informational needs of an enlightened college community, including undergraduate and graduate students and, on a more limited scale, to provide research resources for faculty.

It is the aim of the library to provide one centralized facility to serve all the Millsaps community. The goal of the facility is to provide the environment required for effective use of library materials in an arrangement which is as efficient and comfortable as possible. The hours of operation of this facility are intended to approach maximum availability with adequate assistance, given available resources.

Library Instruction
An obligation of the library is instruction in the use of library materials and services on both formal and informal levels. This must be accomplished in everyday contacts and in coordinated efforts with academic departments of the college. The development of a certain independence in the use of library resources is seen as essential to an educated individual, and the library is dedicated to an assertive program of library instruction as an integral element in the curriculum.

Cooperative Arrangements
In view of the necessity and practicality of resource-sharing between libraries of all types, the Millsaps library actively seeks mutually beneficial cooperative arrangements with other libraries. These arrangements should enhance the resources available to Millsaps personnel and provide unique Millsaps holdings for other persons as well. The library acknowledges the responsibility to foster education generally, both to Millsaps students and to persons not affiliated with the College.

Intellectual Freedom
Toward the achievement of the goals outlined in this statement, the library makes a special acknowledgment of its commitment to the ideal of intellectual freedom and free access to information. The Millsaps-Wilson Library should in all respects adhere to the rights of intellectual inquiry and unrestricted access to ideas. Viewed as a forum for ideas, the library should in its materials and services seek balance and objectivity in its handling of controversial subjects. The library will resist any efforts which would abridge the basic freedom to learn.

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Alumni Spotlight: Zandria Haines

The skills she developed at Millsaps—particularly in problem-solving and approaching challenges from multiple perspectives—have been essential in her work.

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