Chaplain & Church Relations
The Office of the Chaplain provides religious and spiritual services to all students, faculty and staff. Our staff facilitates access to and protection for the religious and faith practices of all members of the Millsaps community. We care for all persons regardless of status, identity or faith tradition and advise the community on our shared values of academic freedom, transformative service and personal integrity.
The Office of the Chaplain is also home to the Center for Ministry, Office of Church Relations and the Course of Study and License to Preach School.

Campus Religious Life
In keeping with the welcoming of people from all religious traditions or no religious tradition, the Millsaps community is committed to equipping students, faculty and staff for a meaningful life of service to others.
Center for Ministry
The Center for Ministry, in partnership with the Mississippi Annual Conference, provides continuing education, professional development and spiritual formation events for laity and clergy, along with managing our grant programs.
Course of Study & License to Preach School
The Course of Study, an extension school of Emory University, and the License to Preach School provides academic courses to fulfill the theological educational requirements for part-time local pastors in the United Methodist Church.
Church Relations
We work to foster the connection between Millsaps College and the larger community in the state. While our primary relationship is with the Mississippi Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, the office endeavors to build relationships with all people of faith.
Yates Chapel
Built as part of the renovations to the Selby & Richard McRae Christian Center in 2019, Yates Chapel serves as the spiritual and reflective space for faith traditions at Millsaps.
Campus Religious Organizations
Millsaps students have several religious organizations available to them on campus. See how to get involved with these groups and find contact information.
Campus Religious Life
The Office of the Chaplain is committed to supporting you in issues of faith, purpose and meaning as you navigate life. You will find many ways to become involved. From interfaith gatherings and student religious organizations to community service opportunities and supportive small groups, you’re sure to find where you belong.
Center for Ministry
The Center for Ministry, in partnership with the Mississippi Annual Conference, provides continuing education, professional development and spiritual formation events for laity and clergy, along with managing our grant programs.
Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative (Funded by the Lilly Endowment)
Caring for a child is one of the most rewarding yet difficult jobs. As a parent and caregiver, you’re charged with ensuring your child grows physically, spiritually and mentally. The Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative is here to help make the spiritual part a little easier for you.
Through the initiative, you will join a community of likeminded parents and caregivers who want to discover practical, creative ways to talk to their children about living into God’s abundant grace and love. The community meets each month over 15 months to discuss living into their faith and leading their child to do the same. In addition, you can participate in retreats.
Thriving in Ministry Program (Funded by the Lilly Foundation)
The Thriving in Ministry Program (TIM) supports, resources and empowers clergywomen toward thriving during a key season of professional transition: as they prepare for, or begin, their first pastorate as a solo or senior pastor. The program includes ecumenical peer groups, large-group retreats for mentored leadership learning and renewal, funds for personal wellness projects, and funds for clergy to engage either a clergy coach or a spiritual director.
Course of Study & License to Preach School
The Mississippi Annual Conference License to Preach School is administered by the Center for Ministry under the direction of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. Licensing School is designed to provide the basic educational and formational experience for persons preparing to serve as pastors of congregations. To be admitted, students must receive approval as a certified candidate for ministry by their local church charge conference, district superintendent and the District Committee on Ordained Ministry to be admitted. A District Superintendent may request exceptions for those who will be certified candidates before the end of the License to Preach School yearly cycle.
Church Relations
The Chaplain’s Office directs external church relations in consultation with the Office of the President and in collaboration with the Offices of Institutional Advancement, Alumni Relations and Admissions.
A central component of church relations is the Center for Ministry, a joint venture of Millsaps College and the Mississippi Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. The center is devoted to developing Christian leaders through lifelong learning. The center is housed within the Office of the Chaplain.
The center, in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, offers the Center for Ministry Program. Developed for clergy and laypersons of all denominations, this training in spiritual direction provides a rich Christian context for one’s faith journey while studying classic and contemporary spiritual writings and developing one’s capacity to accompany others on their faith journey. Completion of Journey Partners by Millsaps students fulfills their Major Experience requirement.
Following the renovation of the Christian Center on campus, future plans include a Millsaps Youth Academy for high school students, a Millsaps Worship Resource Academy and class instruction for Millsaps students interested in Wesleyan studies. For further information, contact Ricky James.
Yates Chapel
The Yates Chapel, located in the Selby & Richard McRae Christian Center, was built in 2019. The open and light-filled space is surrounded by an interior courtyard. Floor-to-ceiling windows and a chapel dome infuse the interior with daylight. It is the heart of the Christian Center and the soul of the Millsaps campus.
Yates Chapel offers a sacred space for formal liturgy, special events, recitals, memorial services, weddings, meetings, lectures, concerts and more. It allows our students to connect their intellectual, spiritual and moral commitments, and provides a place for deep reflection for the entire campus community.
The chapel does allow memorial services for faculty, staff, students and alumni. We do not allow funerals.
Find out more about weddings at Yates Chapel, click here.
Campus Religious Organizations
Millsaps students have several religious organizations available to them on campus. See how to get involved with these groups by emailing Ricky James.
- Catholic Student Association
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Millsaps Christian Collective
- Millsaps Christian Fellowship
- Jewish Culture Organization
Chaplains & Church Relations Staff

Associate Chaplain
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Director of the Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative
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Dean of the Chapel
Director of Church Relations and Campus Ministry
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Assistant Director of the Center for Ministry
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Director of Course of Study School and Licensing School
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