I currently serve as the dean and professor of business law with the Else School of Management. I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from Mississippi State University and earned a juris doctor from Mississippi College School of Law in Jackson, Mississippi. I practiced law as a partner at Adams and Reese, LLP in employment and commercial litigation before joining the faculty at Millsaps in 2003. As a scholar, I publish in the areas of neuroscience and law, employment law and family/reproductive rights. I also helped start the college’s Mock Trial team. Preparing in its own historic mock trial courtroom on campus, I led the team to top rankings in regional and national competitions. I teach a variety of law and culture classes, from Managing Chaos and Employment Law in the MBA program to Managing Cultural Differences in the Executive MBA program. I am the co-director of the college’s Yucatan programs and regularly leads classes in Yucatan, Mexico and in our European programs.
Harvey L. Fiser
Dean of the Else School of Management
Richard and Selby McRae Chair
Professor of Business Law
- Mississippi State University, B.A. Communications
- Mississippi College School of Law, J.D.
- Contracts
- Business Law
- Employment Law
- Neuroscience and Law
- Family and Reproductive Rights