Harvey L. Fiser

headshot of Harvey Fiser

Contact Me


Dean of the Else School of Management
Richard and Selby McRae Chair
Professor of Business Law

I currently serve as the dean and professor of business law with the Else School of Management. I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from Mississippi State University and earned a juris doctor from Mississippi College School of Law in Jackson, Mississippi. I practiced law as a partner at Adams and Reese, LLP in employment and commercial litigation before joining the faculty at Millsaps in 2003. As a scholar, I publish in the areas of neuroscience and law, employment law and family/reproductive rights. I also helped start the college’s Mock Trial team. Preparing in its own historic mock trial courtroom on campus, I led the team to top rankings in regional and national competitions. I teach a variety of law and culture classes, from Managing Chaos and Employment Law in the MBA program to Managing Cultural Differences in the Executive MBA program. I am the co-director of the college’s Yucatan programs and regularly leads classes in Yucatan, Mexico and in our European programs.


  • Mississippi State University, B.A. Communications
  • Mississippi College School of Law, J.D.


  • Contracts
  • Business Law
  • Employment Law
  • Neuroscience and Law
  • Family and Reproductive Rights