It All Adds Up at Millsaps

Marketing & Communications

April 6, 2023

"Chris Dean didn’t have to look far to find the right college. Dean, a sophomore at Millsaps and a Madison, Miss. native, considered colleges across the southeast, but he found his next step in life less than 30 minutes from home. “There was sense of community and togetherness at Millsaps,” Dean said. “The students were […]"

Chris Dean didn’t have to look far to find the right college.

Dean, a sophomore at Millsaps and a Madison, Miss. native, considered colleges across the southeast, but he found his next step in life less than 30 minutes from home.

“There was sense of community and togetherness at Millsaps,” Dean said.

“The students were kind and friendly, and the professors cared about you at an individual level. They wanted to see you succeed.”

While at Millsaps, Dean has been able to explore his interests with the support of Millsaps professors, including his advisor and mentor, Dr. Alex Rice, associate professor of mathematics.

“When Chris knocks on my door and says he has a question, I know that I am in for something that more closely resembles a conversation with a colleague rather than a second-year undergraduate student,” Rice said.

Last year, Rice reached out to Chris about participating in the annual Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Louisiana/Mississippi Spring Section Meeting. The competition, which takes place every March, offers students a chance to compete and hear talks from professional mathematicians. Dean has attended the competition both years he’s been at Millsaps, and this year, he and his teammates tied for second place in the Student Team Competition.

“The atmosphere of the competitions is usually relaxed, and I’ve found the experience of participating to be challenging yet rewarding,” Dean said.

Dean’s participation in the MAA competitions and his math courses at Millsaps led him to consider studying math in graduate school. Earlier this year, he began looking into Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs in math, which provide undergraduate students the opportunity to experience what a profession in a particular subject would be like. At the same time, Rice had been contacted by a friend and fellow math professor in New York to see if any students would be a good fit for the New York City Discrete Math REU.

Rice immediately thought of Dean.

“Chris is among the handful of strongest early-career undergraduate students I’ve worked with in 15 years of teaching across five colleges,” Rice said.

“What impresses me most are his obvious maturity and intense curiosity. He asks a lot of questions, and he asks good questions: not just surface-level content-related things, but ‘big picture,’ philosophical things. He has a clear drive to understand things all the way to their core, which is, in my opinion, the primary prerequisite for a successful mathematical researcher.”

Dean will be spending eight weeks in New York City this summer, attending the program and exploring the city.

“I’m probably most excited to be able to study interesting math with so many talented peers and researchers,” Dean said. “I’m also very excited to travel to New York, as I’ve heard many things about the fascinating culture and cuisine. And, it’ll also be my first time flying!”

Math isn’t the only thing Dean is interested in. He is a member of the Millsaps track team and Kappa Sigma fraternity. He has also developed a passion for writing and teaching, and he works as a consultant for the Center for Academic Success and Excellence (CASE) and was a Pathways Peer during the fall 2022 semester. His work with CASE has allowed him to pursue his interest in both math and writing while providing support to other students.

“What I most enjoy about my job at CASE is being able to utilize my passion for math and writing to help students improve their own skills in both subjects,” Dean said. “And seeing students that come in improve and make progress is rewarding and encouraging.”