The Best Place to Start My Plans

October 26, 2020

"It was love at first sight for Onyx Magno. “I visited Millsaps on a track and field visit, and fell in love with the atmosphere,” said Magno. Now, working as a Presidential Ambassador in the admission office, Magno wants others to have that same experience. She cites her first Open Doors event with prospective students […]"

It was love at first sight for Onyx Magno.

“I visited Millsaps on a track and field visit, and fell in love with the atmosphere,” said Magno. Now, working as a Presidential Ambassador in the admission office, Magno wants others to have that same experience. She cites her first Open Doors event with prospective students as one of her most impactful Millsaps moments.

“Meeting so many people and having engaging conversations was super fun,” she said.

Magno came from Brighton, Tennessee to pursue a major in accounting. She hopes to work with the government as a forensic accountant, but is finding time to blend the discipline of accounting with the creativity of theater.

“My favorite professor is Dr. Bergeron; she is knowledgeable and patient with students, and always shows that she loves her job,” Magno said. “But my favorite class is 100% Improvisation with Dr. Friedrich! We dance, sing, and learn about styles of communication; my classmates and I have made a special connection.”

Like every other college student in the country and around the world, Magno is making her way through the challenges of learning through a pandemic but she also credits the Millsaps faculty for the challenges they are facing as well.

“Due to limited physical interactions, the online resources that many professors have switched to have helped us learn in different ways, and they are recording lessons that we are able to watch any time and at our own pace,” she said. “I have always appreciated my professors, but this semester I appreciate them times ten.”

In the midst of the pandemic, Magno and her friends have also found time for fun. Magno said the memories of a recent socially-distanced karaoke evening on the football field will stay with her always. “It replaced the madness of this pandemic for at least one night, and we have received many good reviews from President (Rob) Pearigen, Dean (Keith) Dunn and other faculty.”

From the accounting classroom to an improv class, Magno has found her place. “The family feeling is very important to me, and I knew this was the best place to start my plans.”