Welcome to the Class of 2025!

August 20, 2021

"Campus was buzzing all day on Friday, August 20 as members of the class of 2025 moved into residence halls and settled in for the start of the semester. Foundations leaders, presidential ambassadors, cheerleaders and student-athletes were on hand to welcome the newest Majors and get them moved into their rooms. This year’s incoming class […]"

Campus was buzzing all day on Friday, August 20 as members of the class of 2025 moved into residence halls and settled in for the start of the semester. Foundations leaders, presidential ambassadors, cheerleaders and student-athletes were on hand to welcome the newest Majors and get them moved into their rooms.

This year’s incoming class is comprised of 249 first year students and 25 transfer students, for a total of 274 new students on campus. Almost 77% of the first-year class comes to Millsaps from Mississippi and Louisiana. Alabama, Texas and Florida round out the top five states sending students to Millsaps, followed by Tennessee, Arkansas and Georgia. The class also includes nine new international students, hailing from Canada, India, Ecuador and Nigeria.

Demographics of this new class are similar to recent years. Just over 53% are male, and over 41% are students of color, which represents an increase from last year. There are also 21 legacy students, continuing family traditions of Major excellence.

The new students will follow the traditions of classes before them, enjoying a busy weekend getting familiar with campus life, getting ready for their first classes and writing their Fourth Night essays.