Major Portal

Your hub for all things Millsaps

The Millsaps College Major Portal provides personalized, secure services as an integral part of the college website. This makes it easy for students, faculty and staff to navigate between secure portal content and public web content.

We hope that you will find the Major Portal to be a useful tool. If you encounter any difficulties while using the Major Portal, please send a message to the Help Desk.

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Major Portal

Accessing Major Portal

Your Major Portal account is automatically created either when you are entered into our payroll system by HR or when you are admitted into the college. You should enter your username and password to complete the login process.

If a parent or guardian has been given proxy to a student’s accounts, the parent or guardian is given the ability to “create” an account are what is called the proxy users. Proxy users will only have access to see certain parts of their student’s profile in Major Portal.

Admitted students — when you are admitted to Millsaps, an account will be set up for you in Major Portal. You can use it to check your application status.

Major Portal Resources

Depending on your role, Major Portal will provide you access to helpful resources.

Student Finance

  • Financial aid
  • Year-end tax information
  • Employee information (for student workers)
  • Student planning
  • Course catalog
  • Grades
  • Graduation overview
  • Enrollment verifications


  • Employee forms — year-end tax information and paystubs
  • Faculty course schedule and class rosters
  • Access to advisee information (advisees, course schedules, unofficial transcripts, etc.)
  • Course catalog
  • Budgets access — for those with budget oversight


  • Employee forms — year-end tax information and paystubs
  • Course catalog
  • Budgets access — for those with budget oversight

Upcoming Events


Latest News

Alumni Spotlight: Zandria Haines

The skills she developed at Millsaps—particularly in problem-solving and approaching challenges from multiple perspectives—have been essential in her work.

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