Philosophy, Law & Society

In pursuit of truth

This course of study is for anyone interested in law and public policy but is especially designed for students interested in pursuing a career in law. Designed as a pre-law track, the philosophy, law and society minor helps students develop their logical, analytical, reasoning and comprehension abilities. These are the very traits measured by the LSAT, and philosophy majors are typically the highest scoring major on the LSAT (tied with economics).

Featured Courses

Here is a sampling of a few courses that might pique your interest.

GOVT 2220 Urban/Metro Politics
Questions of urban policy, the future of cities and quality of urban/metropolitan management are explored. Policy questions such as community and economic development, housing, growth management, and planning are analyzed.
PHIL 3300 Moral Psychology & Neuroscience
An examination of the evolutionary, cognitive and neurological mechanisms of human moral psychology. Topics include moral decision making, responsibility, moral judgment and causation.

Degree Options

Discover your degrees, minors, concentrations and certification options available for this field of study.

Minor in Philosophy, Law and Society
This program enables you to pursue law and public policy but is especially designed for students interested in pursuing a career in law.
Self-Designed Major
Design a major to best fit your personality, career goals and specific educational needs. The self-designed major is a customized major that you design, working closely with appropriate faculty. Create your own philosophy, law and society major.


Our curriculum emphasizes problem solving and critical thinking skills essential to any career (and therefore any Pathway), as well as scientific writing and experimentation skills that may be especially critical to students interested in any of our six Pathways tracks.

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