Student Billing & Payment Options
Millsaps Business Office
Welcome to the Millsaps Business Office, we’re here to help! The menu links listed below provide students and parents guidance for payment options, plan enrollment, understanding your statements, making payments and more.
Helpful Links
Business Office Checklist
How To Pay My Bill
1098-T Instructions
Proxy Access
FRA Form
PLUS Loan Authorization
Major Pay Payment Plan
Financial Aid
Military Benefits

Important Reminders
- Spring 2025 Statements will be available in Major Portal beginning November 15.
- Spring 2025 balances are due no later than December 15. If you plan to enroll in the payment plan or utilize financial aid to cover your balance, this must be completed no later than December 15.
- You must re-enroll in a payment plan each semester. Please review your student account statement for charges and pending aid prior to setting up a plan to ensure balance accuracy.
- All college students will receive their 2024 1098-T forms by January 31, 2025. If you opted for an electronic copy, you will receive an email from ECSI at the end of January with specific instructions on how to access your 1098-T. For any questions, you can contact ECSI at 1-866-428-1098 or visit their website at If you chose to receive a paper form, it will be mailed to your address on file on January 31, 2025, from ECSI.
Billing Information
Student account information can be viewed online through your Major Portal account.
Unless specifically enrolled in a payment plan, full payment of the student account balance should be submitted by July 15 for the fall semester and December 15 for the spring semester.
Incoming students will be mailed one printed statement to their permanent address on file prior to their first semester. For future semesters, students and families will be able to access their statements online via Major Portal. Paper statements will not be mailed home after your first semester. Students have the ability to give access to a designated proxy (parents, grandparents, guardian, etc.) to view their statement and submit payments on their behalf. Person Proxy can be set up through your Major Portal account by selecting “User Options” and “View/Add Proxy Access.”
Fall semester statements will be available in Major Portal mid-June. Spring semester statements will be available mid-November. Please view your semester statement prior to the due date and refer to ‘how can I pay my bill’ and ‘Available payment plans’ to determine the best payment method for you. Please review your statement carefully. If you have any questions regarding your billing statement, or if you make changes in your schedule or housing assignment, please contact the Business Office at 601-974-1100.
The balance shown on your current semester student account statement will include any financial assistance awarded to you by Millsaps College as of the date noted on the statement or as of the date you view your statement online.
If your financial awards are based on full-time registration and on-campus housing and your statement does not reflect these charges, please contact the Business Office for additional information and correction.
A late payment fee of $20 will be applied to any account not paid in full by the due dates listed above.
Tuition & Fees
A breakdown of college charges for the academic school year can be found on our Cost & Value page. The Saps Supplies program takes the hassle out of course material buying because course material costs are covered as part of the cost of tuition.
Payment Information
How Can I Pay My Bill?
Online: We accept online payments with a credit/debit card or ACH (e-check). Payments can be submitted online via Major Portal or this online payment link.
- VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express cards are accepted
- A convenience fee of 2.7% will be charged on all credit/debit card payments. The fee will be in addition to the payment amount.
- A convenience fee of $2.95 will be charged on all ACH (e-check) payments. The fee will be in addition to the payment amount.
- ACI is the third-party vendor selected by Millsaps College to provide secure online payments. ACI meets all banking and credit card industry compliance requirements.
By Mail: Check or money order payments can be mailed to the following address. Please note your Student ID on the memo line of your check.
Millsaps College
Attn: Business Office
1701 North State Street
Box: 150433
Jackson, MS 39210
Please note: We do not accept credit/debit card payments through the mail.
In Person: We accept cash or check payments in person at the Business Office. Our office is located on the first floor of the Academic Complex, Rm. 144.
All Returned payments will be charged a $20 fee.
Wiring Instructions:For International Wiring Instructions, VA Benefits, Vocational Rehab, or other tuition reimbursements, please contact our office [email protected].
If you have questions regarding your payment options, please contact the Business Office at 601-974-1100 or email [email protected] for clarification.
To see your student account online and print a statement, please go to your Major Portal account.
Available Payment Plans
We’re pleased to offer Major Pay tuition payment plans, administered by ACI. Our interest-free monthly payment option enables you to divide each semester’s costs into manageable installments, with just a modest enrollment fee. We recognize the significance of making education affordable for you, and this widely favored choice minimizes the necessity for borrowing, granting families greater autonomy over their finances.
The Major Pay payment plan is offered on a semester-by-semester basis, requiring re-enrollment each term. If you enroll during the initial month of the plan, you can split each semester’s balance into two, three, or four installments.
Available Plans (Fall Semester)
2 Payments: Payments due July 15 and September 15
3 Payments: Payments due July 15, August 15 and September 15
4 Payments: Payments due July 15, August 15, September 15 and October 15
Available Plans (Spring Semester)
2 Payments: Payments due December 15 and February 15
3 Payments: Payments due December 15, January 15 and February 15
4 Payments: Payments due December 15, January 15, February 15 and March 15
Cost to Participate
There is a $40 application fee to enroll in a payment plan.
Students must enroll in one of the payment plan options by the due date to avoid a late fee.
The due date to enroll in a payment plan is July 15 for the fall term and December 15 for the spring term. Click here to enroll in Major Pay.
If you need assistance determining your payment plan amount, please contact the Business Office at 601-974-1100.
Military Benefits
VA Benefits
Active Military, Veterans of the armed services, Dependents and Spouses of veterans who plan to use their educational benefits should visit our Military Aid Program – Support for Service Members page for details on how to apply and add these benefits to your financial aid package.
Other Military Benefits
National Guard State Education Assistance Program (SEAP) Benefits up to $9,500 per Fiscal Year – Apply as soon as possible. Application Deadlines: September 1 for Fall and February 1 for Spring. Summer classes: 2 weeks after class start date. For more information contact the Education Services Office at 601-313-6300 or at MS National Guard (SEAP).
ROTC Benefits – The ROTC provides an esteemed scholarship initiative aimed at making education financially accessible while propelling students towards their personal and professional aspirations. This opportunity is available across various conventional four-year colleges, universities, and senior military institutions. Visit ROTC Programs – Today’s Military to learn more about benefits you may be eligible for.
Summer School Payment
There is no payment plan option for summer school. Payment in full is required at registration. Enrollment is not complete until payment is received. Information regarding summer school registration and costs can be found here.
Housing & Meal Plan Charges
Please review your statement to confirm you have the correct housing and meal plan options included. If the dorm indicated is not where you plan to live or you have the incorrect meal plan, please inform the Business Office immediately. A meal plan is required for all students living on campus.
If you change your housing status to off-campus, you must notify Financial Aid. They will review your financial aid package to determine if any of your aid will be adjusted.
Once you take possession of a residence hall room, no refund of the room rate will be allowed. Refer to the Millsaps Course Catalog for this policy.
Financial Aid
Financial aid is based on assistance awarded to the student.
If your financial aid is based on full-time enrollment and/or living on campus, the charges on the billing statement must reflect the same. Please notify the Office of Financial Aid if you are changing your housing status. They will review your financial aid package and make any required adjustments.
All loan applications should be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid prior to the payment due dates specified in our payment options. Federal Parent PLUS Loans and all nonfederal loans (i.e., alternative loans), must be guaranteed as of registration date to be included as part of your payment.
All documents required by the Office of Financial Aid must be submitted in order for your financial awards to be finalized. Financial awards shown on your award letter or student account statement are subject to change or could be eliminated if you do not submit all required documentation as requested by the Office of Financial Aid. For more information on financial awards, visit the Office of Financial Aid.
Outside Scholarships:
If you are a recipient of a scholarship outside of Millsaps College, please notify us at [email protected] with a copy of your award letter. This can then be added to your financial aid package to track outside funds contributing to your tuition and fees for the year.
Refunds of Credit Balances
Financial Aid Credit Balances: If requested, refunds will be issued 10 business days after the first day of class each term or after financial awards and loan proceeds are received and posted to the student account. These refunds will be mailed via check to the address on file.
Students will indicate on their Financial Responsibility Agreement if they would like a refund of their credit balance. Parents will indicate on the Parent Plus authorization form if they would like a refund of their credit balance due from a Parent Plus loan.
Overpayments by Check, E-check, or Credit Card: Credit balances resulting from overpayments made by check, e-check, or credit card will be available 14 calendar days after the payment is posted to the student’s account. These refunds will also be mailed to the address on file.
Refunds Resulting From Withdrawal From School
Room rent cannot be refunded after the semester has started. Unused amounts paid in advance for board are refundable. A student who withdraws with good reason from a course or courses will have seven days including the date of the first meeting of classes to receive a refund of 80% of tuition and fees; within two weeks, 60%; within three weeks, 40%; and within four weeks, 20%.
If a student remains in the college as long as four weeks, no refund will be made except for unused board. Students receiving federal financial aid will be subject to the federal guidelines with respect to withdrawal. Please refer to the Executive MBA Catalog for refund information pertaining to our Executive MBA program.
Return of Title IV (Federal) Funds When a Student Withdraws
Under the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, the amount of aid a student has earned for the enrollment period is based on the length of time the student remains enrolled for that period. Therefore, the percentage of the enrollment period completed is also the percentage of aid the student has earned.
If a student withdraws on or before the 60% point of the enrollment period, the percentage of aid earned is equal to the percentage of time completed. A student who remains enrolled beyond the 60% point of the enrollment period, has earned 100% of the aid for that period. (There would be no unearned aid.)
Repayment of the unearned amount is calculated as follows:
School will return:
— the lesser of the amount of unearned Title IV aid or unearned institutional charges
Student will return:
— the unearned amount of Title IV grants
— the student’s and parent’s unearned portion of federal loan proceeds will not be returned, but is to be repaid to the loan holders according to the terms of the borrower’s promissory note.
Funds due to be returned by the school and the student and/or parent are charged back to the student’s account and returned to the applicable student aid programs.
The unearned amount of Title IV aid must be returned to the applicable Title IV aid programs in the following order:
- Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loans (other than PLUS Loans)
- Federal Subsidized Direct Loans
- Federal PLUS Loans
- Direct PLUS Loans Federal Pell Grants for which a return of funds is required
- ACG Grants for which a return of funds is required
- National SMART Grants for which a return of funds is required
- Federal SEOG Grants for which a return of funds is required
- Federal TEACH Grants for which a return of funds is required
- Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant for which a return is required
- Other Title IV aid
— Nonfederal aid funds will be returned based on the Institutional Refund Policy and returned in the following fund order: state, institutional then external funds.
— Examples of the application of the refund policy are available in the Business Office. The information contained in this section is subject to change, without notice, in order to comply with federal, state or college requirements. A student may obtain a refund of any overpayment on their account by making a request in the Business Office.
— The date of withdrawal from which all claims to reductions and refunds will be referred is the date on which the coordinator of records is officially notified by the student of the intention to withdraw. (See regulations relative to withdrawals.)
— The college reserves the right to cancel the registration of any student at any time. In such a case, the pro rata portion of tuition will be returned. Students withdrawing or removed under disciplinary action forfeit the right to a refund.
Required Forms
Student Financial Responsibility Agreement
Student Financial Responsibility Agreement
All students are required to submit a financial responsibility agreement their first semester attending Millsaps College. This document will remain on file for the duration of your enrollment. If you would like to update your form, please complete a new form at the link above.
This agreement should be submitted to the Business Office no later than August 1 or upon registration if after August 1. Completed forms will be submitted electronically to the Business Office through the link above.
Required Parent Form
Plus Loan: Federal Parent Loan Authorization
This authorization is to be submitted by any individual applying for a Federal Parent Loan that will be used to cover the student’s cost of attendance. This form covers the same federal requirements as discussed in Student Authorization but is to be completed by the borrowing parent.
All forms will be held on file in the Business Office and referenced as needed. These forms will remain in effect until a written statement revising or rescinding the listed information is submitted to the Business Office. Students are required to update this information annually.
Recommended Forms
Proxy Access – This authorization is to be submitted by the student allowing parents or guardians access to their Major Portal account to view academic schedules, grades and student account financial statements.
FERPA – This authorization must be completed by the student and turned into the Records Office and allows students to give consent for parents or guardians to discuss with faculty and staff information regarding their academic and financial accounts at Millsaps College. Without this form, faculty and staff are unable to disclose any information regarding a student’s account by Federal Law.
1098-T Tax Document
1098-T tax documents are available by the end of January. Students will indicate on their Financial Responsibility Agreement if they would like to receive their 1098-T electronically or mailed to their permanent address on file.
We use ECSI to distribute and host our 1098-T documents. If you select to receive your document electronically, you will receive an email from ECSI in January with a link to your document. To view your 1098-T online, go to here. If you need assistance accessing your form online, you can contact ECSI at 1-866-428-1098.
Click here for Instructions To Access Your 1098-T on the ECSI website.
If you have any other questions related to your 1098-T, please email our office at [email protected] or call 601-974-1100.
SAPS Supplies
The Saps Supplies program at Millsaps College is a convenient way to provide you with your required books and course materials on day one — for no additional cost.
Saps Supplies delivers required texts and materials (e.g., studio art and lab supplies) to you based on your schedule, and the cost is included as part of tuition and course fees so there are no surprises about costs of materials after enrollment.
Please note: Some books in our SAPS Supplies program are issued as a rental book. All rental books must be returned at the end of the semester. For any rental book not returned by the deadline, a non-return fee equal to the publisher’s replacement cost will be charged to the student account.
More information about our SAPS Supplies program can be found here.
Contact Us
The Business Office staff is excited that you have selected Millsaps College for your education and college experience. Our student account representatives are here to assist you in managing financial arrangements for your education and in completing your registration requirements. It is our goal to provide courteous service and knowledgeable responses to inquiries made by our students and their families.
We look forward to assisting you and wish you an exciting and challenging academic year. If you have questions concerning your student account, please contact the Business Office at 601-974-1100 or email us at [email protected].
Additional Resources