
Find critical solutions

A degree in mathematics will provide a foundation for a lifetime of critical thinking and learning. Whether you are interested in mathematics for its own sake or applications of mathematics in a particular subject, the Millsaps College Department of Mathematics provides opportunities to develop quantitative reasoning, problem solving, and other skills. The department supports two majors: mathematics and applied mathematics.
Why study Mathematics at Millsaps?

In their own words

Chris Dean, Class of 2025

“I’m very appreciative of connections and resources I’ve been afforded through the Millsaps mathematics department, both of which enabled me to do mathematical research in New York City in the summer of 2023, and present on said research in San Francisco in early 2024.”

Drew Roth, Class of 2026

“The Millsaps mathematics department is a place that will challenge you to learn. Upper-level math is definitely not easy, but the faculty does a tremendous job of providing support and guiding you in your mathematics journey, whether that be a class, a major or a career.”

Featured Courses

Here is a sampling of a few courses that might pique your interest.

MATH 3530 Mathematical Modeling
Topics covered include predicate logic, algorithms, modular arithmetic, counting techniques, recurrence relations, graph theory and trees.
MATH 4000 Financial Mathematics
Explore advanced concepts of mathematics utilized by the financial industry. Students will learn to perform calculations pertaining to present and future values of different types of cash flows.

Degree Options

Discover your degrees, minors, concentrations and certification options available for this field of study.

Mathematics, B.A.
A bachelor of arts provides a strong general mathematics background while still allowing students to create a program tailored to their interests. This is ideal for students pursuing careers in teaching or in the actuarial sciences.
Mathematics, B.S.
A bachelor of science is a more specialized degree tailored to interests. The curriculum emphasizes computing and mathematical modeling, which gives our students a competitive advantage in their future careers.

Post Graduation Math Opportunities

Math majors frequently go on to graduate school in mathematics, statistics, medicine, engineering, actuarial science, business and law.

Kinnaird Institute Research Experience

Competitively selected Millsaps undergraduates participate in this unique research program centered around active mathematical research.

Contribute to Publications & Attend Conferences

Each year, Millsaps math students are able to be a part of publications and present at a conference.

Our distinctive strengths

The mathematics department ensures that you will be provided quality instruction in the major areas of your discipline, makes you aware of current issues and active research areas, and prepares you to be competitive in the workplace and in graduate and professional schools.
  • Kinnaird summer research — NSF grant model applied to Millsaps students.
  • At least one opportunity to participate in summer research if you’re a major.
  • Publications each year, and presentation at a conference.
  • Student lounge/study space — SH 308 has card swipe access all day.

Gain hands-on experience

The Kinnaird Institute Research Experience is a unique, internally funded summer undergraduate math research experience conducted on campus at Millsaps. Each year, a group of Millsaps college undergraduate students are selected to participate on a competitive basis. Each summer’s program is centered around a core topic of active mathematical research, from which multiple group and individual projects organically splinter. We work full days, Monday-Thursday, and a morning sessions on Friday. Morning sessions are focused on mini-lectures, problem sessions, progress reports and group brainstorming, while afternoon sessions are focused on independent work. Participants are provided with on-campus housing, a stipend, occasional group dinners and outings, and opportunities and funding to travel to conferences and present their research. All funding for the program is provided by the Kinnaird Endowment, gifted to the Millsaps College Department of Mathematics.


Our curriculum emphasizes problem solving and critical thinking skills essential to any career (and therefore any Pathway), as well as scientific writing and experimentation skills that may be especially critical to students interested in the Health, Business and STEM & Data Science Pathways.

Study Abroad

Summer and winter term field courses are offered on a regular basis. A recent course on The Mathematics of Renaissance Italy was offered with learning stops in Rome, Florence, Padua and Milan, Italy.

More About the Degree

Recent Career Placements

  • University of Mississippi Medical Center
  • HORNE Capital
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi
  • State Farm Insurance Company
  • Google
  • Phillips 66
  • RiverFront Investment Group
  • Scotiabank
  • Hancock Whitney
  • FMCG Direct

Postgraduate Study

  • University of Georgia (math)
  • Brandeis University (math)
  • Mississippi State University (engineering)
  • University of Mississippi (engineering)
  • Texas A&M (economics)
  • University of Mississippi Medical Center (medicine)
  • Vanderbilt University (engineering)

Careers of Recent Graduates

  • Banks
  • Investment Firms
  • Insurance Companies
  • Government Agencies
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Publishing Firms

Related Areas of Study

  • Actuarial Science
  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Business Administration
  • Economics
  • Self-Designed Major

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