Parents of New Students

Welcome to the Major family!

We hope this page provides you all the information you need about your student’s college experience. We hope that the information provided here will make the process a bit easier. Our goal is to support students as they establish connections with the educational community. We’re happy to work with you if you have any questions.

Quick Links

Student Billing & Payment

We accept many payment methods and offer payment options to fit your needs. Your balance must be paid in full or be on a payment plan prior to each term.

Major Portal

Major Portal is your online resource for just about everything. Students can log in but they will need to give you proxy access (see Proxy Access for details).

Proxy Access for Parents

Parents and guardians can access a student’s information about financial aid, billing, payments and grades. Learn how to designate proxy access.

What Is FERPA?

The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a law that gives your child in college control over who sees their educational information.

Student Health History Form

The Health History Form is required for all entering students to complete registration. Please have your student fill out the Health History Form.

Student Health Insurance

The college requires that all students comply with health insurance regulations as federally mandated.

Meal Plans

A meal plan is required for all students living on campus. Learn about meal plan options at Millsaps.

Info for Family & Community

Find additional resources for parents. Stay connected and informed about all things Millsaps.

Upcoming Events


Latest News

Millsaps Hosts Jackson Mayoral Forum

Millsaps Hosts Jackson Mayoral Forum

Events like this are a cornerstone of an informed, democratic society. The ability to engage in civil discourse and have open conversations about the issues that affect us all is something we hold in high regard.

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The Millsaps Making of Macbeth

The Millsaps Making of Macbeth

Though Macbeth is a popular Shakespearean work, the cast and crew are working diligently to ensure the production is an exciting watch while still being well-informed.

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