
The human experience: Past to future

Discover how literary, philosophical, spiritual and artistic expression creates culture, imagines community and explores the human condition.

African American Studies

African American Studies

When you purse a minor in African American studies, you will examine, analyze and interpret the experiences and traditions of people of African descent.

American Studies

American Studies

The American studies program focuses on the culture and civilization of the United States and includes the study of history, literature, politics, art, philosophy, music and religion.

Communication Studies

Communication Studies

Communication Studies is a journey through media history, philosophy, theory and ethics, while you also gain speaking, writing, producing and listening skills.

European Studies

European Studies

European studies cuts across traditional departmental and divisional boundaries and allows you to work with faculty and design a program of study that integrates those aspects of European affairs that best meet your interests.



The study of French will enrich and complement your overall liberal arts experience and prepare you for graduate school, teaching, or a range of professions grounded in bilingualism.



Gain an in-depth knowledge of ancient Greek language, literature and civilization. Greek is offered as part of Millsaps’ Greek and Roman studies department.

Greek & Roman Studies

Greek & Roman Studies

Greek and Roman Studies — We offer courses on the ancient languages of Greek and Latin, combined with courses on mythology, warfare, gender, politics, history, art and philosophy. We provide a foundation for understanding our contemporary world.



The really important historical questions have no single right answer. All interpretations must be judged on the evidence that is offered to support them. Millsaps College values the variety of ways we search for those answers.



Gain experience in Latin and ancient culture. Read classical Latin literature, gain appreciation of the literature, culture and intellectual achievements of Rome.

Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies

Develop a greater understanding of the region, its importance in the world and gain a holistic appreciation for a region that is economically, politically and culturally vital to the United States.

Literature in English

Literature in English

Literature in English offers skills include critical and creative thinking, curiosity, broad cultural understanding, and strong written and oral communication. Explore wisdom from a variety of cultures, hone communication skills and create change.

Medical Humanities

Medical Humanities

Medical Humanities. Examine the intersection of human experience with the practice and technology of health care. Explore how culture and philosophy have shaped health care policies and practices.

Peace & Justice Studies

Peace & Justice Studies

This course focuses on the problems confronting modern societies. These include different forms of violence, inequality and oppression leading to wars, poverty, racism, sexism, global imbalances of power and ecological destruction.



Philosophy studies allows you to apply logical and critical skills to conceptual and moral issues in art, science, law, psychology, medicine, religion, language, war, technology, engineering, sexuality, business, culture, literature, race and the environment.

Philosophy & Religious Studies

Philosophy & Religious Studies

Are you interested in the concepts of truth, morals, values, beliefs and spirituality? Examine religious traditions and values and how they have changed over time.

Philosophy, Law & Society

Philosophy, Law & Society

Philosophy, Law & Society studies the interaction between law and society. Students will explore various issues in moral, political and legal philosophy. Deepen your understanding of concepts related to law and justice.

Politics & Religion

Politics & Religion

Study the complex relationship between politics and religion. Students will explore law and religion, faith and political behavior and the challenges that arise when they collide.



Pre-law at Millsaps gives you an edge. Law schools prize the ability to think, critically analyze information and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Every major at Millsaps ensures you will develop these skills.



Our pre-ministerial program is distinguished by a core curriculum infused with a spirit of philosophical and religious inquiry. We have produced more United Methodist bishops than any other college or university in the country.

Religious Studies

Religious Studies

Religious studies is dedicated to understanding human life. Explore the perennial big questions: What are the greatest powers in the world? What does life mean and what are people’s ultimate goals? How do we find reliable guidance in life?

Religious Studies & Sociology/Anthropology

Religious Studies & Sociology/Anthropology

In a world of conflict where intercultural understanding is of ever-growing importance, religious studies offers profound encounters with other people’s ways of imagining, thinking and living.

Self-Designed Major

Self-Designed Major

Design a major to best fit your personality, career goals and specific educational needs. Previous self-designed majors include international health and economics, global language studies and environmental studies.



Enhance your linguistic skills, deepen your intercultural knowledge and gain the ability to think analytically and critically in Spanish. These skills are prized in a multilingual and interconnected world.

Women’s & Gender Studies

Women’s & Gender Studies

Develop critical thinking and an understanding of multicultural and global perspectives in our women’s & gender studies program. We examine how our daily lives are impacted by gender, sexuality, race, class, ethnicity and social justice issues.


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